Billionaire app for PC is a new IOS game and it is a challenge game that helps to be the richest person in the entire world. The game uses the richest people in the world both real and the fake ones so that you may compare yourself to these people and to try to beat them so that you may become rich and to be a trillionaire while playing this game. When you build something, it is going to be done at once in a certain period of time and you have to speed this up and it all that you have to do when you play in active way and to tap at that building. Every tap has a certain amount of the time. You have to tap faster to reach to the end of a construction. You may set the time to collect the coins or you may collect them at once. When the coffers are full, they will be ready to be collected and the buildings that are under the construction can be completed. You may collect them so that you may continue to play the game as it should be.
Billionaire For PC
If you wish to make money, then the best way to do so is to do it through making the billions with the Billionaire. Playing the Billionaire is a faster way that you may become the richest person in the entire world. You can tap in order to build the new business or to collect the fortune, to expand the business empire or to beat the wealthiest people around the world.
It is easy to play the Billionaire app on PC since there is no complicated stuff and you only have to pick the favorite business and to start making the money. You may start the business and you may manage the business in the creative way that it is possible in order to make the fortune.
You can compete with your celebrities, friends or top business men or with your favorite super hero, a mythical beast and fairly tale princess among others. You should start to play now so that you do not waste more your time because your friends already started to play.
The game has been well designed and it is an art in itself. There are pets’ shops and weapon factory and the player can build whatever he likes. The fortune and fame can attract the unwanted attention and the person can manage the threat level. When you start to build many risky businesses, police may take you down.
When it comes to the Billionaire, you have to know that money is what will make the world to go around and you will be sitting on the opportunity. The billionaire is the business management game and the task you will have to expand the business so that you can make enough money. With the game, you will be able to get rich faster.
You can build the available business from the beginning. When the game starts out, you will have access to over seven businesses. You will be able to get enough money so that you can build everything. This is because the business that will follow will need enough money of 10,000 dollars.
To play the game, you have to tap as much as you can. You may speed things while playing when by taping faster. Each tap will lower construction time while the fraction will be to a new whole second or so depending at what value the business is on. When the finger is not able to tap many times at once, then it is good to spend the crystals which is a premium currency and it can finish the building automatically.
Only mechanic in the game that requires your attention is a threat mechanic. Every business comes with a threat level that had been attached on it. All the business you have will give the total threat level and this is what it is indicated with the percentage. When you have a high level of threat, the more the authority will be suspicious to your business. When it is too high, the authority can confiscate the business and will send you to the jail for a period. This is something detrimental and this is why you have to control the threat. You can start the business that has no threat or a low level of threat and there are some businesses that will reduce the level of threat.
Go for a high value but low risk business: when you hit to the second tier for your own business, you have to aim in buying a baby center at once. A Baby Center will earn 450 dollars per minute and it has the holding of 36,000 dollars. The best part is that it does not have any threat level when it is upgraded and this means that a baby center is better.
Sell off the weak business: when you have finished building the Baby Center, the threat level will be around 35 percent. What you should do here, is selling the older business that are not making enough money. The best way to win is to stop trading with the less valuable and old business whenever it is possible.
Check the business frequently so that you may collect enough money: besides the threat level, you have to know that the game will require you to wait. When you have built the business, then you may step away and wait for some time. You can play a new and different game, you can read a book or you can do anything that you like. However, you should ensure that you had come back so that you can collect the business that had reached the maximum hold. By being patient and being able to trick the authority, you are going to be billionaire in few minutes.
If you like to play Billionaire, you may wish to advance faster. If you are a free player, you have to know the tips that will help you to advance without spending money within the game. The right way that you may spend the money, is to buy the jewel properties that you are able to afford. This is because they are able to generate enough amount of money as the earning opportunities.
How to use jewelry
To make sure that you are able to play without spending real money, you have to ensure that you login on daily basis. You have also to go for various ads and promotions that can give you the free jewels. This is something helpful since you may require buying the properties using this jewelry. The best way that you should use the jewelry is to buy the properties. It is not good to spend them on building the speed or to get out of the jail. You have to be patient or wait for them compared to spending the money you got. When you have moved further in the game and if you are facing even better money producing buildings that have a high threat, you need to get army full of upgrades of the negative threat properties such as Botanical Garden or Community Space. You should start by building money first and then you may use the money in building the negative threat before you may move to a new tier.
Special features of Billionaire app
Billionaire app on PC has special buildings which have special unlocking ability. The two properties are Asgard and Pandora. To unlock Pandora, you have to get away all the negative threat building with Eden in order to unlock Pandora. To unlock Asgard, you should buy the building and then upgrade them to the level 10. You need to have underwater city, the mountain of an eye, Avalon and Eldorado.
To make more money, you should dominate your game by constructing even more buildings and this is the best way that you can get even more money since you will be able to collect more. Keep up with your net worth by comparing how much you have with other fictional characters or celebrities. You may go to the lead board to see it. When you read the level of other players, you are going to be inspired and you will keep up playing.
Billionaire app on PC is a click game and what you should do is to tap on the screen so that you can make billions. After making enough money, it is good to use it to buy other things that will ensure that your money will continue to rise automatically. The game offers the chance of making money in many ways including the selling of the magazines or working in gymnasiums. Other businesses can be money laundering or crack houses. While playing, you have to ensure that your business does not go into debt. This may happen with no warning or without a good reason. You should be aware of the amount you need for upgrading since some businesses may be worth less than the upgrade.
The game is good looking and it comes with a real style on it. You may be asked to rate the game often.
Step 1: Download the android emulator software Andy and it is available for free. Click here to download: Download
Step 2: Start the installation of Andy by clicking on the installer file you downloaded.
Step 3: When the software is ready to be used, start it and complete the sign up procedure and login with Google Play account.
Step 4: Start Google play store app and use its search tool to search Billionaire app.
Step 5: Find Billionaire app and start the installation.
Step 6: Launch the game and you can now play Sky Streaker on pc using a mouse or your keyboard and even your touchscreen, you can use the control button to emulate the pinch function to zoom in and out.
Step 7: You can also install remote control app form here for remotely accessing the game: Andy remote control app
Support: we maintain an online real-time Facebook support group if you have any issues with Andy OS installation process, you can use this link to access the group: support
Enjoy Playing Billionaire app on PC!!!
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