What it is BBTAN app?
BBTAN app is the game where you need to swipe your finger down in order to throw the balls or to break the bricks. The angle is a key point and this is a simple but addictive game. You have to play and to make sure that you are able to survive the game for a long period.
BBTAN app’s features
The game has many features. You can unlock 35 balls and they include unique balls, super mini balls and simple balls. You can challenge the friends using Google Play support. It has easy and also fun play and you get up to a 100 stages. You can check the Facebook page of 111% and you will be able to get hidden balls. You can use physical game engine and colorful UI, attractive character and fun sound effect. You are able to share the screenshots online using Instagram or Facebook. You can enjoy the BBTAN when you are commuting, when you go out on a date or when you are on subway or a bus while waiting at a bank or somewhere else. Wherever you are, you may play BBTAN for PC.
Who is behind BBTAN app?
BBTAN game is a game with unusual name and it is called BBTAN. The game is from 111% studio and it had already released other games before BBTAN. They have the tendency of having simple games that are arcade like. Even if this may be a trend, there is no problem when it is able to release good results. This is the game that will appeal to these that have the soft spots for the games that were being played before. The first reaction can be watered down because of many retro-inspired games available and only few games are able to appear to a player who wants to have a good arcade experience. The game is available online and it can be downloaded at once.
BBTAN app’s game play
To play, BBTAN game you have to control the character that looks like a demon and it is in the way that reminds the player of the Arkanoid game for the old arcade console. You will be throwing the balls from a bottom of a screen upwards. The mission is to get the blocks which appear from an upper side of a screen through hitting them with the balls that a demon is going to throw. To be able to get all the blocks which appear at the screen, you have to touch at the point of a screen and then drag at the opposite side. This is how the tension was being generated so that the ball may be flying in such direction. This will bounce off a limit of a screen when it is on or off the roof. This means that there is a need to use arrow that can generate the vector when they are dragged around the screen in order to direct the balls towards which place you want the ball to go to. It is not important catching the ball when it has bounced back as it happens with the Arkanoid. Balls can just hit a bottom and then they may appear afterwards in the hands of the character. There is a ball to throw at every turn and there are balls that are added by hitting the plus symbol while floating around a screen.
How to play BBTAN app
Blocks that will be descending, they will be having a number that indicated the times that they have to be hit up to the time they can disappear completely. In order to illustrate such idea, a picture of the bright purple square, it is a purple square that floats into the black space and it is surrounded by small squares with the triangles and the number written on them. These squares has number three on them so when you shoot on the four balls, first three will hit the square and they will bounce back at the angle. The last one is going to go through the dissolved square and it can hit other shapes that will be found in its way. It will then be bouncing back on its way until it can end up by getting at the bottom of a screen once again.
How to win with BBTAN app
BBTAN game is a high score chaser and to play it, you have to shoot on different number of the balls and the squares will continue to pop up. A person may argue that a gameplay is about arcade mechanics and the game ends if the triangles with the squares have touched at the bottom of a screen. It is the same as Puzzle Bobble.
BBTAN app brings back many things of old school but it can still manage to mix the inspiration and the sources in a way that it continues to feel fresh. It is filling the space found between Arkanoid, Puzzle Bobble and Tetris. It is a game which is straightforward and it has the rules that can be followed easily. This game play is simple and it not possible not to be able to adapt to it. When you find yourself with the incredible roll and the dozens of the balls that may be flying around, you have to prepare to face the hard times often.
Tips on how to play BBTAN app
BBTAN app is addictive game and every free moment you will be having, you will want to play this game. However, sometime you may not have been playing the game in the proper way and you may need to take some steps to help you in the gameplay and you will be wasting less time if you know what you are doing.
There are many tips that can help you to play and to enjoy this game. The basic tip is getting the coin during the playing or by collecting the small coins or after losing a game by clicking at the Get Coin Video ad where you can view 2 to 4 ads and each one will give you 50 up to a 100 coins.
If you want to beat up your own record, then you have to turn off the internet connection if you want to click at One More Chance and it is not going to eat up Get coin Credit. You may use this once every game and the ads will be refreshing after 12 hours. You should not worry if the timer is ticking down your time since there is nothing that will happen when 30:00 goes by. It is going to change and the timer will be So What?
How to restart the BBTAN app
If you had aimed and shot and before every game had been launched, you may turn off the game so that you may start it up again and to have the game to go back before the shot started which means that you will be able to fix such angle. When you lose a game, you may get the ball from a raffle machine and it will reset every time that you have entered into it. You may aim a Red big ball because it has Legendary and Unique balls. When you have got many coins, you may decide to farm special balls and you will be using 15km that will help you enough. You only have to spam with the games so that you can finish the game. A secret is when you press at get ball and you get coin video app and you can go again to try to raffle unique balls from the machine.
How to use powerup feature
You will get the unique ball if you are prompted at the main game screen and it is simple. When you log in 10 times, a confirmation message may appear and you may have to unlock it. You do not have to hit a laser power up if it appears since it can be beneficial for holding it up so that many figures can appear at the board. The best idea is shooting a ball into the purple bump in order to power up. The balls may be blocked within a bump and the figures and this makes them to be hit many times.
If you want to get the highest record, you need to have a Super Small Ball. It has 0.79mm and this is because of its capacity of going between the triangles and the squares. It is tricky to achieve and you can get a high number of scores with the program.
Anyone can play BBTAN app
BBTAN app is the game that you will be able to play without too much effort, especially at the start. However, as the time passes, you may need to have the foresight and the skills that include the ability of angle shooting as if you are playing hybrid of Billiard and Breakouts. This is a perfect game to play when listening to the podcast and you will not miss much when turning off a pleasant little blip that will accompany every impact. The aesthetic of the colored blocks against the stark black background works well on eyes and it is like hypnotic because the looks are straightforward. Even if the game may not be said to be exciting by many people, it can be tense for the player who want to make some shot and who face the end of their game.
How to Download BBTAN app for your PC:
Step 1: Download the android emulator software Andy and it is available for free. Click here to download: Download
Step 2: Start the installation of Andy by clicking on the installer file you downloaded.
Step 3: When the software is ready to be used, start it and complete the sign up procedure and login with Google Play account.
Step 4: Start Google play store app and use its search tool to search BBTAN app download.
Step 5: Find BBTAN app and start the installation.
Step 6: Launch the game and you can now play Sky Streaker on pc using a mouse or your keyboard and even your touchscreen, you can use the control button to emulate the pinch function to zoom in and out.
Step 7: You can also install remote control app form here for remotely accessing the game: Andy remote control app
Support: we maintain an online real-time Facebook support group if you have any issues with Andy OS installation process, you can use this link to access the group: support